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Error Handling

Error Handling

Dynamic entities throw exceptions in the case of an error, rather than returning a %StatusOpens in a new tab value. In the following example, the thrown exception includes enough information to conclude that the second character in the method argument is invalid:

   set invalidObject = {}.%FromJSON("{:}")

<THROW>%FromJSON+37^%Library.DynamicAbstractObject.1 *%Exception.General Parsing error 3 Line 1 Offset 2

When dealing with dynamic data, it is always wise to assume that some data will not fit your expectations. Any code that makes use of dynamic objects should be surrounded with a TRY-CATCH block at some level (see “The TRY-CATCH Mechanism”). For example:

   TRY {
      set invalidObject = {}.%FromJSON("{:}")
   CATCH errobj {
      write errobj.Name_", "_errobj.Location_", error code "_errobj.Code,!

Parsing error, Line 1 Offset 2, error code 3
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