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Iterating over a Dynamic Entity with %GetNext()

Iterating over a Dynamic Entity with %GetNext()

All dynamic entities provide the %GetIterator() method, which returns an instance of %Iterator (either %Iterator.Object or %Iterator.Array) containing pointers to members of the dynamic object or array. The %Iterator object provides a %GetNext() method to get the key and value of each member.

Each call to the %GetNext() method advances the iterator cursor and returns 1 (true) if it is positioned on a valid member or 0 (false) if it is beyond the last member. The name or index number of the member is returned in the first output argument and the value in the second. For example:

   set test = ["a","b","c"]  // dynamic arrays are zero-based
   set iter = test.%GetIterator()
   while iter.%GetNext(.key, .value) { write "element:"_key_"=/"_value_"/  "}

element:0=/a/  element:1=/b/  element:2=/c/

The iterator cursor only moves in one direction; it cannot go back to a previous member or iterate arrays in reverse order.

When iterating over a sparse array, the iterator skips elements with no assigned value. When iterating over an object, properties are not necessarily returned in a predictable order. The following examples demonstrate these differences between array iteration and object iteration.

Iterating over an array

This example creates a sparse array. The array is zero-based and has six elements, but only elements 0, 1, and 5 have an assigned value. The null elements displayed in the JSON string are just placeholders for the unassigned values:

   set dynArray=["abc",999]
   set dynArray."5" = "final"
   write dynArray.%Size()_" elements: "_dynArray.%ToJSON()

6 elements: ["abc",999,null,null,null,"final"]

%GetNext() will return only the three elements with values, skipping all unassigned elements:

   set iterator=dynArray.%GetIterator()
   while iterator.%GetNext(.key,.val) { write !, "Element index: "_key_", value: "_val }

Element index: 0, value: abc
Element index: 1, value: 999
Element index: 5, value: final

See the next section (“Understanding Sparse Arrays and Unassigned Values”) for more on sparse arrays.

Iterating over an object

Object properties have no fixed order, which means that properties can be created and destroyed in any order without creating unassigned values, but changing the object may also change the order in which properties are returned by %GetNext(). The following example creates an object with three properties, calls %Remove() to destroy one property, and then adds another property:

   set dynObject={"propA":"abc","PropB":"byebye","propC":999}
   do dynObject.%Remove("PropB")
   set dynObject.propD = "final"
   write dynObject.%Size()_" properties: "_dynObject.%ToJSON()

3 properties: {"propA":"abc","propD":"final","propC":999}

When we iterate over the object, %GetNext() does not return items in the order they were created:

   set iterator=dynObject.%GetIterator()
   while iterator.%GetNext(.key,.val) { write !, "Property name: """_key_""", value: "_val }

Property name: "propA", value: abc
Property name: "propD", value: final
Property name: "propC", value: 999
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