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Putting Classes in Deployed Mode

Putting Classes in Deployed Mode

You might want to put some of your classes in deployed mode before you send them to customers; this process hides the source code.

For any class definitions that contain method definitions that you do not want customers to see, compile the classes and then use $SYSTEM.OBJ.MakeClassDeployed(). For example:

 do $system.OBJ.MakeClassDeployed("MyApp.MyClass")

For an alternative approach, see Adding Compiled Code to Customer Databases.

About Deployed Mode

When a class is in deployed mode, its method and trigger definitions have been removed. (Note that if the class is a data type class, its method definitions are retained because they may be needed at runtime by cached queries.)

You cannot export or compile a class that is in deployed mode, but you can compile its subclasses (if they are not in deployed mode).

There is no way to reverse or undo deployment of a class. You can, however, replace the class by importing the definition from a file, if you previously saved it to disk. (This is useful if you accidentally put one of your classes into deployed mode prematurely.)

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