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Updating Who Can View Each Row

Updating Who Can View Each Row

The procedure to do this is:

  1. From the Management Portal home page, go to the SQL page (System Explorer > SQL) page.

  2. Select the namespace that contains the table.

  3. Click Execute Query.

  4. In the editable area, issue a statement to update the table. It should have the following form:

    UPDATE MySchema.MyClass SET rlsprop = 
                    MySchema.SecurityPolicy(MySQLColumnName1, ...)


    • MySchema is the schema (package) containing the class.

    • MyClass is the name of the class.

    • rlsprop is the field containing the list of users and roles who can read the row. This is %READERLIST by default and the property name specified in the declaration of the ROWLEVELSECURITY parameter otherwise.

    • SecurityPolicy is value specified by the SqlName value in the definition of the %SecurityPolicy() method. If there is no explicit SQL name for the %SecurityPolicy() method and its class is MySchema.MyClass, then its default name is myClass_sys_SecurityPolicy (with a fully qualified form of MySchema.MyClass_sys_SecurityPolicy).

    • MySQLColumnName1, ... is the set of SQL column names corresponding to the arguments, if any, defined in the %SecurityPolicy() class method.

  5. Click Execute.

  6. If desired, re-create any view that you initially removed.

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