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OpenAPI Properties in Use

This page lists the properties of the OpenAPI 2.0 specificationOpens in a new tab that the API management tools use when generating the REST service classes. Properties not listed here are ignored. There are several extension properties; these have names that start with x-ISC.


  • basePath

  • consumes

  • host

  • produces

  • definitions (note that the API management tools do not use any properties of the Schema object when generating code)

  • parameters (for details, see Parameter Object)

  • paths (for details, see Path Item Object)

  • info (for details, see Info Object)

  • swagger (must be "2.0")

For details on these properties, see in a new tab.

Info Object

  • title

  • description

  • x-ISC_RequiredResource (a comma-separated list of defined resources and their access modes (resource:mode) that are required for access to any endpoint of the REST service)

  • x-ISC_ImplParent (the name of the super class, which is a subclass of %REST.Impl, of the generated .impl class)

  • x-ISC_DispatchParent (the name of the super class, which is a subclass of %CSP.REST, of the generated .disp class)

  • version

For details on the standard properties, see in a new tab.

Path Item Object

For details on these properties, see in a new tab.

Operation Object

  • operationId

  • summary

  • description

  • consumes

  • produces

  • parameters (for details, see Parameter Object)

  • x-ISC_CORS (a flag to indicate that CORS requests for this endpoint/method combination should be supported)

  • x-ISC_RequiredResource (a comma-separated list of defined resources and their access modes (resource:mode) that are required for access to this endpoint of the REST service)

  • x-ISC_ServiceMethod (name of the class method called on the back end to service this operation; default is operationId, which is normally suitable)

  • responses (note that within the response object, status may be HTTP status code or "default")

For details on the standard properties, see in a new tab.

Parameter Object

  • name

  • in

  • description

  • required

  • $ref

  • type (cannot be "formData"; other types are permitted)

  • format

  • allowEmptyValue

  • maxLength

  • minLength

  • pattern

  • maximum

  • minimum

  • exclusiveMaximum

  • exclusiveMinimum

  • multipleOf

  • collectionFormat

  • minItems

  • maxItems

  • uniqueItems

  • items (for details, see Items Object)

For details on these properties, see in a new tab.

Items Object

  • type

  • format

  • allowEmptyValue

  • maxLength

  • minLength

  • pattern

  • maximum

  • minimum

  • exclusiveMaximum

  • exclusiveMinimum

  • multipleOf

  • collectionFormat

  • minItems

  • maxItems

  • uniqueItems

For details on these properties, see in a new tab.