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Global Mappings

Global Mappings

You can add a mapping for a new global to your namespace at the global and global subscript level that overrides the default database mapping for globals of the namespace:

  1. Navigate to the Namespaces page (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Namespaces) and click Global Mappings in the row of the namespace where you want to map the global.

  2. From the Global Mappings page click New.

  3. Select the Global database location database where the global is located.

  4. Enter the Global name. You can use the * character as part of the global name to specify multiple globals, for example ABC*.

  5. Enter the Global subscripts to be mapped. The subscript reference must begin with an open parenthesis. Some examples follow:


    When specifying a range (for example, ("A"):("Z"), the range is “from-to” (not “from-through”) the specified subscripts; that is, the lower end of a defined subscript range is inclusive, while the upper end of the defined subscript range is exclusive. For example, Name (1):(10) includes Name (1) but does not include Name (10); the exclusive upper range allows you to have a defined upper boundary when working with subscripted ranges, such as Name ("a"):("b"), where Name ("aa") and Name ("aaaaa") are equally valid ranges to precede Name ("b").

    You can use the reserved words BEGIN and END to refer to the first and last possible subscripts; however, you cannot use the asterisk (*) wildcard with subscripted globals because global subscripts must be mapped individually.

    For more information about subscript-level mapping (SLM) ranges, see Setting Up Global Mappings.

  6. Click Advanced to display the following:

    1. Select the Collation. Collation applies only to new subscript-level mapping globals.

    2. Select the Lock Database Location. For more information see Global in the [Map] section of the Configuration Parameter File Reference.

  7. Click OK.


    >> displayed in the first column of the new mappings row indicates that you opened the mapping for editing.

  8. To save the mappings in the cpf file, click Save Changes.


While it is possible to add a mapping that changes the database location of an existing global, this does not actually move the global. As a consequence, the global becomes inaccessible, as it remains in the original database while the namespace expects to find it in the newly mapped database. For a new mapping for an existing global to be successful, you must relocate the global manually, for example using the Terminal or the Management Portal, by creating it on the new database and removing it from the original database.

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