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Planning an InterSystems IRIS Sharded Cluster

Planning an InterSystems IRIS Sharded Cluster

This section provides some first-order guidelines for planning a basic sharded cluster, and for adding compute nodes if appropriate. It is not intended to represent detailed instructions for a full-fledged design and planning process. The following tasks are addressed:

Combine Sharding with Vertical Scaling

Planning for sharding typically involves considering the tradeoff between resources per system and number of systems in use. At the extremes, the two main approaches can be stated as follows:

  • Scale vertically to make each system and instance as powerful as feasible, then scale horizontally by adding additional powerful nodes.

  • Scale horizontally using multiple affordable but less powerful systems as a cost-effective alternative to one high-end, heavily-configured system.

In practice, in most situations, a combination of these approaches works best. Unlike other horizontal scaling approaches, InterSystems IRIS sharding is easily combined with InterSystems IRIS’s considerable vertical scaling capacities. In many cases, a cluster hosted on reasonably high-capacity systems with a range of from 4 to 16 data nodes will yield the greatest benefit.

Plan a Basic Cluster of Data Nodes

To use these guidelines, you need to estimate several variables related to the amount of data to be stored on the cluster.

  1. First, review the data you intend to store on the cluster to estimate the following:

    1. Total size of all the sharded tables to be stored on the cluster, including their indexes.

    2. Total size of the nonsharded tables (including indexes) to be stored on the cluster that will be frequently joined with sharded tables.

    3. Total size of all of the nonsharded tables (including indexes) to be stored on the cluster. (Note that the previous estimate is a subset of this estimate.)

  2. Translate these totals into estimated working sets, based on the proportion of the data that is regularly queried.

    Estimating working sets can be a complex matter. You may be able to derive useful information about these working sets from historical usage statistics for your existing database cache(s). In addition to or in place of that, divide your tables into the three categories and determine a rough working set for each by doing the following:

    • For significant SELECT statements frequently made against the table, examine the WHERE clauses. Do they typically look at a subset of the data that you might be able to estimate the size of based on table and column statistics? Do the subsets retrieved by different SELECT statements overlap with each other or are they additive?

    • Review significant INSERT statements for size and frequency. It may be more difficult to translate these into working set, but as a simplified approach, you might estimate the average hourly ingestion rate in MB (records per second * average record size * 3600) and add that to the working set for the table.

    • Consider any other frequent queries for which you may be able to specifically estimate results returned.

    • Bear in mind that while queries joining a nonsharded table and a sharded table count towards the working set NonshardSizeJoinedWS, queries against that same nonsharded data table that do not join it to a sharded table count towards the working set NonshardSizeTotalWS; the same nonsharded data can be returned by both types of queries, and thus would count towards both working sets.

    You can then add these estimates together to form a single estimate for the working set of each table, and add those estimates to roughly calculate the overall working sets. These overall estimates are likely to be fairly rough and may turn out to need adjustment in production. Add a safety factor of 50% to each estimate, and then record the final total data sizes and working sets as the following variables:

    Cluster Planning Variables



    ShardSize, ShardSizeWS

    Total size and working set of sharded tables (plus safety factor)

    NonshardSizeJoined, NonshardSizeJoinedWS

    Total size and working set of nonsharded tables that are frequently joined to sharded tables (plus safety factor)

    NonshardSizeTotal, NonshardSizeTotalWS

    Total size and working set of nonsharded tables (plus safety factor)


    Number of data node instances

In reviewing the guidelines in the table that follows, bear the following in mind:

  • Generally speaking and all else being equal, more shards will perform faster due to the added parallelism, up to a point of diminishing returns due to overhead, which typically occurs at around 16 data nodes.

  • The provided guidelines represent the ideal or most advantageous configuration, rather than the minimum requirement.

    For example, as noted in Evaluating the Benefits of Sharding, sharding improves performance in part by caching data across multiple systems, rather than all data being cached by a single nonsharded instance, and the gain is greatest when the data in regular use is too big to fit in the database cache of a nonsharded instance. As indicated in the guidelines, for best performance the database cache of each data node instance in a cluster would equal at least the combined size of the sharded data working set and the frequently joined nonsharded data working set, with performance decreasing as total cache size decreases (all else being equal). But as long as the total of all the data node caches is greater than or equal to the cache size of a given single nonsharded instance, the sharded cluster will outperform that nonsharded instance. Therefore, if it is not possible to allocate database cache memory on the data nodes equal to what is recommended, for example, get as close as you can. Furthermore, your initial estimates may turn out to need adjustment in practice.

  • Database cache refers to the database cache (global buffer pool) memory allocation that must be made for each instance. You can allocate the database cache on your instances as follows:

    For guidelines for allocating memory to an InterSystems IRIS instance’s routine and database caches as well as the shared memory heap, see Shared Memory Allocations .

  • Default globals database indicates the target size of the database in question, which is the maximum expected size plus a margin for greater than expected growth. The file system hosting the database should be able to accommodate this total, with a safety margin there as well. For general information about InterSystems IRIS database size and expansion and the management of free space relative to InterSystems IRIS databases, and procedures for specifying database size and other characteristics when configuring instances manually, see Configuring Databases and Maintaining Local Databases.

    When deploying with the IKO, you can specify the size of the instance’s storage volume for data, which is where the default globals databases for the master and cluster namespaces are located, as part of deployment; this must be large enough to accommodate the target size of the default globals database.


    When deploying manually, ensure that all instances have database directories and journal directories located on separate storage devices. This is particularly important when high volume data ingestion is concurrent with running queries. For guidelines for file system and storage configuration, including journal storage, see Storage Planning, File System Separation, and Journaling Best Practices.

  • The number of data nodes (NodeCount) and the database cache size on each data node are both variables. The desired relationship between the sum of the data nodes’ database cache sizes and the total working set estimates can be created by varying the number of shards and the database cache size per data node. This choice can be based on factors such as the tradeoff between system costs and memory costs; where more systems with lower memory resources are available, you can allocate smaller amounts of memory to the database caches, and when memory per system is higher, you can configure fewer servers. Generally speaking and all else being equal, more shards will perform faster due to the added parallelism, up to a point of diminishing returns (caused in part by increased sharding manager overhead). The most favorable configuration is typically in the 4-16 shard range, so other factors aside, for example, 8 data nodes with M memory each are likely to perform better than 64 shards with M/8 memory each.

  • Bear in mind that if you need to add data nodes after the cluster has been loaded with data, you can automatically redistribute the sharded data across the new servers, which optimizes performance; see Add Data Nodes and Rebalance Data for more information. On the other hand, you cannot remove a data node with sharded data on it, and a server’s sharded data cannot be automatically redistributed to other data nodes, so adding data nodes to a production cluster involves considerably less effort than reducing the number of data nodes, which requires dropping all sharded tables before removing the data nodes, then reloading the data after.

  • Parallel query processing is only as fast as the slowest data node, so the best practice is for all data nodes in a sharded cluster to have identical or at least closely comparable specifications and resources. In addition, the configuration of all InterSystems IRIS instances in the cluster should be consistent; database settings such as collation and those SQL settings configured at instance level (default date format, for example) should be the same on all nodes to ensure correct SQL query results. Standardized procedures and use of an automated deployment method can help ensure this consistency.

The recommendations in the following table assume that you have followed the procedures for estimating total data and working set sizes described in the foregoing, including adding a 50% safety factor to the results of your calculations for each variable.

Cluster Planning Guidelines

Size of ...

should be at least ...


Database cache on data nodes

(ShardSizeWS / NodeCount) + NonshardSizeJoinedWS

This recommendation assumes that your application requires 100% in-memory caching. Depending on the extent to which reads can be made from fast storage such as solid-state drives instead, the size of the cache can be reduced.

Default globals database for cluster namespace on each data node

ShardSize / NodeCount plus space for expected growth

When data ingestion performance is a major consideration, consider configuring initial size of the database to equal the expected maximum size, thereby avoiding the performance impact of automatic database expansion. However, if running in a cloud environment, you should also consider the cost impact of paying for storage you are not using.

Default globals database for master namespace on node 1 (see Configuring Namespaces)

NonshardSizeTotal and possibly space for expected growth

Nonsharded data is likely to grow less over time than sharded data, but of course this depends on your application.

IRISTEMP database on each data node (temporary storage database for master and cluster namespaces)

No specific guideline. The ideal initial size depends on your data set, workload, and query syntax, but will probably be in excess of 100 GB and could be considerably more.

Ensure that the database is located on the fastest possible storage, with plenty of space for significant expansion. T


No specific recommendations.

All InterSystems IRIS servers can benefit by greater numbers of CPUs, whether or not sharding is involved. Vertical scaling of CPU, memory, and storage resources can always be used in conjunction with sharding to provide additional benefit, but is not specifically required, and is governed by the usual cost/performance tradeoffs.

All InterSystems IRIS instances in a sharded cluster must be of the same version, and all must have sharding licenses.

All data nodes in a sharded cluster should have identical or at least closely comparable specifications and resources; parallel query processing is only as fast as the slowest data node. In addition, the configuration of all InterSystems IRIS instances in the cluster should be consistent; database settings such as collation and those SQL settings configured at instance level (default date format, for example) should be the same on all nodes to ensure correct SQL query results. Standardized procedures and use of an automated deployment method can help ensure this consistency.

Because applications can connect to any data node's cluster namespace and experience the full dataset as if it were local, the general recommended best practice is to load balance application connections across all of the data nodes in a cluster. The IKO can automatically provision and configure a load balancer for the data nodes as needed under typical scenarios; if deploying a sharded cluster by other means, a load balancing mechanism is required. For an important discussion of load balancing a web server tier distributing application connections across data nodes, see Load Balancing, Failover, and Mirrored Configurations.

To maximize the performance of the cluster, it is a best practice to configure low-latency network connections between all of the data nodes, for example by locating them on the same subnet in the same data center or availability zone.

Plan Compute Nodes

As described in Overview of InterSystems IRIS Sharding, compute nodes cache the data stored on data nodes and automatically process read-only queries, while all write operations (insert, update, delete, and DDL operations) are executed on the data nodes. The scenarios most likely to benefit from the addition of compute nodes to a cluster are as follows:

  • When high volume data ingestion is concurrent with high query volume, one compute node per data node can improve performance by separating the query workload (compute nodes) from the data ingestion workload (data nodes)

  • When high multiuser query volume is a significant performance factor, multiple compute nodes per data node increases overall query throughput (and thus performance) by permitting multiple concurrent sharded queries to run against the data on each underlying data node. (Multiple compute nodes do not increase the performance of individual sharded queries running one at a time, which is why they are not beneficial unless multiuser query workloads are involved.) Multiple compute nodes also maintain workload separation when a compute node fails, as queries can still be processed on the remaining compute nodes assigned to that data node.

When planning compute nodes, consider the following factors:

  • If you are considering deploying compute nodes, the best approach is typically to evaluate the operation of your basic sharded cluster before deciding whether the cluster can benefit from their addition. Compute nodes can be easily added to an existing cluster using one of the automated deployment methods described in Automated Deployment Methods for Clusters or using the %SYSTEM.Cluster API. For information adding compute nodes, see Deploy Compute Nodes for Workload Separation and Increased Query Throughput.

  • For best performance, a cluster’s compute nodes should be colocated with the data nodes (that is, in the same data center or availability zone) to minimize network latency.

  • When compute nodes are added to a cluster, they are automatically distributed as evenly as possible across the data nodes. Bear in mind that adding compute nodes yields significant performance improvement only when there is at least one compute node per data node.

  • The recommended best practice is to assign the same number of compute nodes to each data node. Therefore, if you are planning eight data nodes, for example, recommended choices for the number of compute nodes include zero, eight, sixteen, and so on.

  • Because compute nodes support query execution only and do not store any data, their hardware profile can be tailored to suit those needs, for example by emphasizing memory and CPU and keeping storage to the bare minimum. All compute nodes in a sharded cluster should have closely comparable specifications and resources.

  • Follow the data node database cache size recommendations (see Plan a Basic Cluster of Data Nodes) for compute nodes; ideally, each compute node should have the same size database cache as the data node to which it is assigned.

The distinction between data and compute nodes is completely transparent to applications, which can connect to any node's cluster namespace and experience the full dataset as if it were local. Application connections can therefore be load balanced across all of the data and compute nodes in a cluster, and under most applications scenarios this is the most advantageous approach. What is actually best for a particular scenario depends on whether you would prefer to optimize query processing or data ingestion. If sharded queries are most important, you can prioritize them by load balancing across the data nodes, so applications are not competing with shard-local queries for compute node resources; if high-speed ingestion using parallel load is most important, load balance across the compute nodes to avoid application activity on the data nodes. If queries and data ingestion are equally important, or you cannot predict the mix, load balance across all nodes.

The IKO allows you to automatically add a load balancer to your DATA node or COMPUTE node definitions; you can also create your own load balancing arrangement. For an important discussion of load balancing a web server tier distributing application connections across data nodes, see Load Balancing, Failover, and Mirrored Configurations.

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