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Creating Sharded Tables and Loading Data

Creating Sharded Tables and Loading Data

Once the cluster is fully configured, you can plan and create the sharded tables and load data into them. The steps involved are as follows:

Evaluate Existing Tables for Sharding

Although the ratio of sharded to nonsharded data on a cluster is typically high, when planning the migration of an existing schema to a sharded cluster it is worth remembering that not every table is a good candidate for sharding. In deciding which of your application’s tables to define as sharded tables and which to define as nonsharded tables, your primary considerations should be improving query performance and/or the rate of data ingestion, based on the following factors (which are also discussed in Evaluating the Benefits of Sharding). As you plan, remember that the distinction between sharded and nonsharded tables is totally transparent to the application SQL; like index selection, sharding decisions have implications for performance only.

  • Overall size — All other things being equal, the larger the table, the greater the potential gain.

  • Data ingestion — Does the table receive frequent and/or large INSERT statements? Parallel data loading means sharding can improve their performance.

  • Query volume — Which tables are queried most frequently on an ongoing basis? Again, all other things being equal, the higher the query volume, the greater the potential performance improvement.

  • Query type — Among the larger tables with higher query volume, those that frequently receive queries that read a lot of data (especially with a high ratio of data read to results returned) or do a lot of computing work are excellent candidates for sharding. For example, is the table frequently scanned by broad SELECT statements? Does it receive many queries involving aggregate functions?

Having identified some good candidates for sharding, review the following considerations:

  • Frequent joins — As discussed in Choose a Shard Key, tables that are frequently joined can be sharded with equivalent shard keys to enable cosharded joins, so that joining can be performed locally on individual shards, enhancing performance. Review each frequently-used query that joins two large tables with an equality condition to evaluate whether it represents an opportunity for a cosharded join. If the queries that would benefit from cosharding the tables represent a sizeable portion of your overall query workload, these joined tables are good candidates for sharding.

    However, when a large table is frequently joined to a much smaller one, sharding the large one and making the small one nonsharded may be most effective. Careful analysis of the frequency and query context of particular joins can be very helpful in choosing which tables to shard.

  • Unique constraints — A unique constraint on a sharded table can have a significant negative impact on insert/update performance unless the shard key is a subset of the unique key; see Choose a Shard Key for more information.


Regardless of other factors, tables that are involved in complex transactions requiring atomicity should never be sharded.

Create Sharded Tables

Sharded tables (as well as nonsharded tables) can be created in the cluster namespace on any node, using a SQL CREATE TABLE statement containing a sharding specification, which indicates that the table is to be sharded and with what shard key — the field or fields that determine which rows of a sharded table are stored on which shards. Once the table is created with the appropriate shard key, which provides a deterministic method of evenly distributing the table’s rows across the shards, you can load data into it using INSERT and dedicated tools.

Choose a Shard Key

By default, when you create a sharded table and do not specify a shard key, data is loaded into it using the system-assigned RowID as the shard key; for example, with two shards, the row with RowID=1 would go on one shard and the one with RowID=2 would go on the other, and so on. This is called a system-assigned shard key, or SASK, and is often the simplest and most effective approach because it offers the best guarantee of an even distribution of data and allows the most efficient parallel data loading.


By default, the RowID field is named ID and is assigned to column 1. If a user-defined field named ID is added, the RowID field is renamed to ID1 when the table is compiled, and it is the user-defined ID field that is used by default when you shard without specifying a key.

You also have the option of specifying one or more fields as the shard key when you create a sharded table; this is called a user-defined shard key, or UDSK. You might have good opportunities to use UDSKs if your schema includes semantically meaningful unique identifiers that do not correspond to the RowID, for example when several tables in a schema contain an accountnumber field.

An additional consideration concerns queries that join large tables. Every sharded query is decomposed into shard-local queries, each of which is run independently and locally on its shard and needs to see only the data that resides on that shard. When the sharded query involves one or more joins, however, the shard-local queries typically need to see data from other shards, which requires more processing time and uses more of the memory allocated to the database cache. This extra overhead can be avoided by enabling a cosharded join, in which the rows from the two tables that will be joined are placed on the same shard. When a join is cosharded, a query involving that join is decomposed into shard-local queries that join only rows on the same shard and thus run independently and locally, as with any other sharded query.

You can enable a cosharded join using one of two approaches:

  • Specify equivalent UDSKs for two tables.

  • Use a SASK for one table and the coshard with keywords and the appropriate UDSK with another.

To use equivalent UDSKs, simply specify the frequently joined fields as the shard keys for the two tables. For example, suppose you will be joining the CITATION and VEHICLE tables to return the traffic citations associated with each vehicle, as follows:

SELECT * FROM citation, vehicle where citation.vehiclenumber =

To make this join cosharded, you would create both tables with the respective equivalent fields as the shard keys:

CREATE TABLE VEHICLE (make VARCHAR(30) not null, model VARCHAR(20) not null, 
  year INT not null, vin VARCHAR(17) not null, shard key (vin))

CREATE TABLE CITATION(citationid VARCHAR(8) not null, date DATE not null, 
  licensenumber VARCHAR(12) not null, plate VARCHAR(10) not null,
  vehiclenumber VARCHAR(17) not null, shard key (vehiclenumber))

Because the sharding algorithm is deterministic, this would result in both the VEHICLE row and the CITATION rows (if any) for a given VIN (a value in the vin and vehiclenumber fields, respectively) being located on the same shard (although the field value itself does not in any way determine which shard each set of rows is on). Thus, when the query cited above is run, each shard-local query can execute the join locally, that is, entirely on its shard. A join cannot be cosharded in this manner unless it includes an equality condition between the two fields used as shard keys. Likewise, you can use multiple-field UDSKs to enable a cosharded join, as long as the shard keys for the respective tables have same number of fields, in the same order, of types that allow the field values to be compared for equality.

The other approach, which is effective in many cases, involves creating one table using a SASK, and then another by specifying the coshard with keywords to indicate that it is to be cosharded with the first table, and a shard key with values that are equivalent to the system-assigned RowID values of the first table. For example, you might be frequently joining the ORDER and CUSTOMER tables in queries like the following:

SELECT * FROM orders, customers where orders.customer = customers.%ID

In this case, because the field on one side of the join represents the RowID, you would start by creating that table, CUSTOMER, with a SASK, as follows:

CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (firstname VARCHAR(50) not null, lastname VARCHAR(75) not null, 
  address VARCHAR(50) not null, city VARCHAR(25) not null, zip INT, shard)

To enable the cosharded join, you would then shard the ORDER table, in which the customer field is defined as a reference to the CUSTOMER table, by specifying a coshard with the CUSTOMER table on that field, as follows:

CREATE TABLE ORDER (date DATE not null, amount DECIMAL(10,2) not null, 
  customer CUSTOMER not null, shard key (customer) coshard with CUSTOMER)

As with the UDSK example previously described, this would result in each row from ORDER being placed on the same shard as the row from CUSTOMER with RowID value matching its customerid value (for example, all ORDER rows in which customerid=427 would be placed on the same shard as the CUSTOMER row with ID=427). A cosharded join enabled in this manner must include an equality condition between the ID of the SASK-sharded table and the shard key specified for the table that is cosharded with it.

Generally, the most beneficial cosharded joins can be enabled using either of the following, as indicated by your schema:

  • SASKs representing structural relationships between tables and the coshard with keywords, as illustrated in the example, in which customerid in the ORDER table is a reference to RowID in the CUSTOMER table.

  • UDSKs involving semantically meaningful fields that do not correspond to the RowID and so cannot be cosharded using coshard with, as illustrated by the use of the equivalent vin and vehiclenumber fields from the VEHICLE and CITATION tables. (UDSKs involving fields that happen to be used in many joins but represent more superficial or adhoc relationships are usually not as helpful.)

Like queries with no joins and those joining sharded and nonsharded data, cosharded joins scale well with increasing numbers of shards, and they also scale well with increasing numbers of joined tables. Joins that are not cosharded perform well with moderate numbers of shards and joined tables, but scale less well with increasing numbers of either. For these reasons, you should carefully consider cosharded joins at this stage, just as, for example, indexing is taken into account to improve performance for frequently-queried sets of fields.

When selecting shard keys, bear in mind these general considerations:

  • The shard key of a sharded table cannot be changed, and its values cannot be updated.

  • All other things being equal, a balanced distribution of a table’s rows across the shards is beneficial for performance, and the algorithms used to distribute rows achieve the best balance when the shard key contains large numbers of different values but no major outliers (in terms of frequency); this is why the default RowID typically works so well. A well-chosen UDSK with similar characteristics may also be effective, but a poor choice of UDSK may lead to an unbalanced data distribution that does not significantly improve performance.

  • When a large table is frequently joined to a much smaller one, sharding the large one and making the small one nonsharded may be more effective than enabling a cosharded join.

Evaluate Unique Constraints

When a sharded table has a unique constraint (see Field Constraint and Unique Fields Constraint), uniqueness is guaranteed across all shards. Generally, this means uniqueness must be enforced across all shards for each row inserted or updated, which substantially slows insert/update performance. When the shard key is a subset of the fields of the unique key, however, uniqueness can be guaranteed across all shards by enforcing it locally on the shard on which a row is inserted or updated, avoiding any performance impact.

For example, suppose an OFFICES table for a given campus includes the buildingnumber and officenumber fields. While building numbers are unique within the campus, and office numbers are unique within each building, the two must be combined to make each employee’s office address unique within the campus, so you might place a unique constraint on the table as follows:

CREATE TABLE OFFICES (countrycode CHAR(3), buildingnumber INT not null, officenumber INT not null,
  employee INT not null, CONSTRAINT address UNIQUE (buildingname,officenumber))

If the table is to be sharded, however, and you want to avoid any insert/update impact on performance, you must use buildingnumber, officenumber, or both as the shard key. For example, if you shard on buildingnumber (by adding shard key (buildingnumber) to the statement above), all rows for each building are located on the same shard, so when inserting a row for the employee whose address is “building 10, office 27”, the uniqueness of the address can be enforced locally on the shard containing all rows in which buildingnumber=10; if you shard on officenumber, all rows in which officenumber=27 are on the same shard, so the uniqueness of “building 10, office 27” can be enforced locally on that shard. On the other hand, if you use a SASK, or employee as a UDSK, any combination of buildingnumber and officenumber may appear on any shard, so the uniqueness of “building 10, office 27” must be enforced across all shards, impacting performance.

For these reasons, you may want to avoid defining unique constraints on a sharded table unless one of the following is true:

  • All unique constraints are defined with the shard key as a subset (which may not be as effective generally as a SASK or a different UDSK).

  • Insert and update performance is considered much less important than query performance for the table in question.


Enforcing uniqueness in application code (for example, based on some counter) can eliminate the need for unique constraints within a table, simplifying shard key selection.

Create the Tables

Create the empty sharded tables using standard CREATE TABLE statements (see CREATE TABLE) in the cluster namespace on any data node in the cluster. As shown in the examples in Choose a Shard Key, there are two types of sharding specifications when creating a table:

  • To shard on the system-assigned shard key (SASK), include the shard keyword in the CREATE TABLE statement.

  • To shard on a user-defined shard key (UDSK), follow shard with the key keyword and the field or fields to shard on, for example shard key (customerid, purchaseid).


If the PK_IS_IDKEY option is set when you create a table, as described in Defining the Primary Key, the table’s RowID is the primary key; in such a case, using the default shard key means the primary key is the shard key. The best practice, however, if you want to use the primary key as the shard key, is to explicitly specify the shard key, so that there is no need to determine the state of this setting before creating tables.

You can display a list of all of the sharded tables on a cluster, including their names, owners, and shard keys, by navigating to the Sharding Configuration page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Sharding Configuration) on node 1 or another data node, selecting the cluster namespace, and selecting the Sharded Tables tab. For a table you have loaded with data, you can click the Details link to see how many of the table’s rows are stored on each data node in the cluster.

Sharded Table Creation Constraints

The following constraints apply to sharded table creation:

  • You cannot use ALTER TABLE to make an existing nonsharded table into a sharded table (you can however use ALTER TABLE to alter a sharded table).

  • The SHARD KEY fields must be of numeric or string data types. The only collations currently supported for shard key fields are exact, SQLString, and SQLUpper, with no truncation.

  • All data types are supported except the ROWVERSION field and SERIAL (%Counter) fields.

  • A sharded table cannot include %CLASSPARAMETER VERSIONPROPERTYOpens in a new tab.

For further details on the topics and examples in this section, see CREATE TABLE.

Defining Sharded Tables Using Sharded Classes

In addition to using DDL to define sharded tables, you can define classes as sharded using the Sharded class keyword; for details, see Defining a Sharded Table by Creating a Persistent Class. The class compiler has been extended to warn against using class definition features incompatible with sharding (such as customized storage definitions) at compile time. More developed workload mechanisms and support for some of these incompatible features will be introduced in upcoming versions of InterSystems IRIS.

Load Data Onto the Cluster

Data can be loaded into sharded tables through any InterSystems IRIS interface that supports SQL. Rapid bulk loading of data into sharded tables is supported by the transparent parallel load capability built into the InterSystems IRIS JDBC driver. These options are described in the following:

  • You can load data into the empty sharded tables on your cluster through any InterSystems IRIS interface that supports SQL, such as a JDBC client tool or the SQL Shell. The LOAD DATA command, which is intended for rapid population of a table with well-validated data, loads from a table or file. You can also load data using one or more INSERT statements, including INSERT SELECT FROM.

  • The InterSystems IRIS JDBC driver implements specific optimizations for loading sharded tables. When preparing an INSERT statement into a sharded table, the JDBC client automatically opens direct connections to every data node and distributes the inserted rows across them, significantly enhancing performance without requiring any specific configuration or API calls. Any application loading sharded tables using JDBC transparently benefit from this capability.


    For most data loading operations, the JDBC driver uses direct connections to the data nodes brokered by the cluster. This requires the driver client to reach the data nodes at the IP addresses or hostnames with which they were assigned to the cluster, and means you cannot execute such queries if this is not possible.

Create and Load Nonsharded Tables

As with sharded tables, you can create nonsharded tables on any data node, and load data into them, using your customary methods. These tables are immediately available to the cluster for both nonsharded queries and sharded queries that join them to sharded tables. (This is in contrast to architectures in which nonsharded tables must be explicitly replicated to each node that may need them.) See Evaluate Existing Tables for Sharding for guidance in choosing which tables to load as nonsharded.

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