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API Basics

API Basics

This API gives you access to InterSystems IRIS source code files.

To call an API method, you need to know the following:

  • HTTP method—which is one of the following: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or HEAD.

  • HTTP headers—provide context information for the call. The HEADERS used in this API include:

    • Authorization, which provides access to the server. Unless you have installed your server with minimal security, you need to provide a username and password to access the API.

    • Content-Type application/json, which specifies that the inbound payload is provided in JSON. You must specify this header for all POST and PUT methods.

    • If-None-Match, which allows a GetDoc or PutDoc call to check if the source code file was modified since it was last accessed.

  • URL—The URL consists of the following parts:

    • https://

    • baseURL/ — In this tutorial, we assume that InterSystems IRIS is running on the server devsys and is using port 52773 so baseURL is devsys:52773

    • api/atelier/ — This is defined by the web application that has the %Api.AtelierOpens in a new tab dispatch class.

    • URL part that identifies the method and target. This part can include fixed text and text that you specify to identify the namespace, document name, or type.

    For example, the URL part that identifies the GetDocNames method is v1/namespace/docnames/. The complete URL for this method getting the documents from the MYNS namespace would be:


    The URL part that identifies the GetServer method is an empty string, so the complete URL for GetServer is:


  • URL parameters — modifies the call. If the API method has URL parameters, they are described in the reference section.

  • Inbound JSON payload — format of the inbound message for POST and PUT methods.

  • Outbound JSON payload — format of the outbound message returned by the HTTP method.


The endpoints for this API contain the term atelier because this API was developed for use by Atelier, our deprecated Eclipse-based IDE. Our VS Code - ObjectScript IDE now uses the same API.

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