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Creating a New File in a Namespace or Updating an Existing File

Creating a New File in a Namespace or Updating an Existing File

To create a new file in a namespace or update an existing file, you use the PutDoc method. For example, the following REST call creates a new xyz.mac source code file in the INVENTORY namespace or, if the xyz.mac file exists, this call replaces the original definition of the file with the new one. If you are updating a new file, you must specify either the HTTP header If-None-Match to identify the current version of the file or the ?ignoreConflict=1 URL parameter to bypass version checking. See PutDoc in the reference section for details.

PUT https://devsys:52773/api/atelier/v1/INVENTORY/doc/xyz.mac

You should specify the Content-Type application/json and the following JSON message:

 "enc": false,
 "content": [
   "ROUTINE xyz",
   "xyz ;",
   "   w \"hello\""

The call returns the following JSON message. It shows that the source code file has been created in the INVENTORYR database, which is the default database for routines in the INVENTORY namespace.

  "status": {
    "errors": [],
    "summary": ""
  "console": [],
  "result": {
    "name": "xyz.mac",
    "db": "INVENTORYR",
    "ts": "2016-09-14 14:10:16.540",
    "upd": false,
    "cat": "RTN",
    "status": "",
    "enc": false,
    "flags": 0,
    "content": []

If you are updating or creating a binary file, specify a true value for enc and include the binary contents as an array of blocks of the base64 encoding of the binary value.

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