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Performing SQL Search

Performing SQL Search

You use SQL Search syntax in an SQL query WHERE clause to perform a text search for one or more text items. These text items may be words or sequences of words (Basic index) or NLP semantic entities (Semantic index). Multiple text items are an implicit AND search; all of the specified items must appear in the text, in any order. The syntax for SQL Search is as follows:

WHERE %ID %FIND search_index(indexname,'search_items',search_option,'language','synonym_tables')
  • indexname is the name of a defined SQL Search index for a specific column.

  • search_items is the list of text items (either words or NLP entities) to search for, enclosed with quotes. Text items are separated by spaces. An item consists of an alphanumeric string and optional wildcard syntax characters. By default, text items are not case-sensitive (see the LOWER parameter). Available search_items syntax is described below.

  • search_option is the index option integer that specifies the type of search to perform. Available values include 0 (syntax search), 1 (syntax search with stemming), 2 (syntax search with decompounding and stemming), 3 (syntax search with fuzzy search), and 4 (syntax search with regular expressions). If search_option=4, search_items is assumed to contain a single Regular Expression string. For further details, see Regular Expressions. Note that for performance reasons, SQL Search does not support some of the more esoteric regular expression syntactic forms; these syntactic forms are supported by the $LOCATE ObjectScript function.

  • language is the NLP-supported language model to apply, specified as a two-character string. For example, 'en' specifies English. If you specify '*', the query performs automatic language identification.

  • synonym_tables is a string containing the name of a synonym table, or a comma-separated list of synonym tables.

When performing an Basic index search, SQL Search identifies words by the presence of one or more space characters. Sentence punctuation (a period, comma, semicolon, or colon followed by a space) is ignored. SQL Search treats all other punctuation as literals. For example, SQL Search treats “touch-and-go” as a single word. Punctuation such as hyphens or a decimal point in a number are treated as literals. Quote characters and apostrophes must be specified. You specify a single quote character by doubling it.

Be default, text is normalized to lowercase letters (not case sensitive). Other language-specific normalizations, such as normalizing Japanese characters that differ only in character width, are also performed.

You can perform any Basic index search (word, co-occurrence, or positional phrase) with a Semantic index. Attempting to perform a Semantic index search with a Basic index results in an SQLCODE -149 error.

SQL search_items Syntax

Basic index search_items can contain the following syntax:

Word Search:

Argument Description
word1 word2 word3 Specifies that these exact words must appear (in any order) somewhere in the text. (Logical AND). You can specify a single word, or any number of words separated by spaces.

word1 OR word2 NOT word3

word1 OR (word2 AND word3)

search_items can contain AND, OR, and NOT logical operators. AND is the same as separating words with spaces (implicit AND). NOT is logically equivalent to AND NOT. search_items can also use parentheses to group logical operators. Explicit AND is needed when specifying multiple words in grouping parentheses: (word2 AND word3). If the explicit AND was omitted, (word2 word3) would be interpreted as a positional phrase. You can use the \ escape character to specify AND, OR, NOT as literals rather than logical operators: \and





A question mark wildcard specifies exactly one non-space character of any type. One or more ? wildcards can be used as a prefix, suffix, or within a word. You can combine ? and * wildcards. You can use \ escape character to specify ? as a literal: \?





An asterisk wildcard specifies 0 or more non-space characters of any type. An asterisk can be used as a prefix, suffix, or within a word. You can use \ escape character to specify * as a literal: \*

Co-occurrence Word Search:

Argument Description

Co-occurrence search. Specifies that these exact words must appear (in any order) within the proximity window specified by range. You can specify any number of words or multi-word phrases. A multi-word phrase is specified as words separated by spaces with no delimiting punctuation. Words (or positional phrases) are separated by commas, the last comma-separated element is an optional numeric range. Words can specify asterisk wildcards.

A range can be specified as min–max or simply as max with a default min of 1. For example, 1–5 or 5. range is optional; if omitted, it defaults to 1–20. A range count is inclusive of all of the specified words.

Co-occurrence search cannot be used with search_option=4 (Regular Expressions).

Positional Phrase Search:


You can use double quotes "word1 word2 word3" or parentheses (word1 word2 word3) to delimit a positional phrase. Because parentheses are also used to group logical operators, the use of double quotes is preferred.

Argument Description

"word1 word2 word3"

These exact words must appear sequentially in the specified order. Words are separated by spaces. Note that no semantic analysis is performed; for example, the words in a “phrase” may be the final word of a sentence and the beginning words of the next sentence. Asterisk wildcards can be applied to individual words in a phrase. A literal parentheses character in the search_items must be enclosed with quotes.

"word1 ? word3"

"word1 ? ? ? word5"

A question mark indicates that exactly one word is found between the specified words in a phrase. You can specify multiple single question marks, each separated by spaces.

"word1 ?? word6"

A double question mark (with no space between) indicates that from 0 to 6 words are found between the specified words in a phrase.

"word1 [1–3] word5"

Square brackets indicate an interval number of words between the specified words in a phrase: min-max. This interval is specified as a variable range, in this case from 1 to 3 missing words.

Semantic index search_items can contain the following NLP entity search syntax in addition to the Basic index syntax:

Full Entity and Partial Entity Search:

Argument Description
{entity} Specifies the exact wording of a NLP entity. Asterisk wildcards can be applied to individual words in an entity.
<{entity} A less-than sign prefix specifies an NLP entity ending with the specified word(s). There must be one or more words in the entity appearing before the specified word(s).
{entity}> A greater-than sign suffix specifies an NLP entity beginning with the specified word(s). There must be one or more words in the entity appearing after the specified word(s).

Multiple search_items can be specified, separated by spaces. This is an implicit AND test. For example:

SELECT Narrative FROM Aviation.TestSQLSrch WHERE %ID %FIND 
search_index(NarrSemanticIdx,'<{plug electrode} "flight plan" instruct*',0,'en')

means that a Narrative text must include one or more SQL Search entities that end with “plug electrode”, AND the positional phrase “flight plan”, AND the word “instruct” with a wildcard suffix, allowing for “instructor”, “instructors”, “instruction”, “instructed”, etc. These items can appear in any order in the text.

Validating an SQL search-items String

You can use the %iFind.Utils.TestSearchString()Opens in a new tab method to validate a search_items string. This method enables you to detect syntax errors and ambiguous use of logical operators. For example, "word1 AND word2 OR word3" fails validation because it is logically ambiguous. Adding parentheses clarifies this string to either "word1 AND (word2 OR word3)" or "(word1 AND word2) OR word3".

The following example invokes this SQL Search utility as an SQL function:

SELECT %iFind.TestSearchString('orange AND (lemon OR lime)')

TestSearchString() returns a %Status value: A valid search_items string returns a status of 1. An invalid search_items string returns an object expression that begins with 0, followed by encoded error information.

Fuzzy Search

InterSystems SQL Search supports fuzzy search to match records containing elements (words or entities) that “almost” match the search string. Fuzzy search can be used to account for small variations in writing (color vs. colour), misspellings (collor vs color), and different grammatical forms (color vs. colors).

SQL Search evaluates fuzzy matches by comparing the Levenshtein distance between the two words. The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. The maximum number of single-character edits required is know as the maximum edit distance. The InterSystems SQL Search maximum edit distance defaults to 2 characters. The maximum edit distance is separately applied to each element in the search string. For SQL Search Basic index, it is applied to each word in the search string. For SQL Search Semantic index, it is applied to each NLP entity in the search string. (The examples that follow assume an SQL Search Basic index.)

For example, the phrase “analyse programme behaviour” is a fuzzy search match for “analyze program behavior” when maximum edit distance=2, because each word in the search string differs by an edit distance of (at most) 2 characters: analyse=analyze (1 substitution), programme=program (2 deletions), behaviour=behavior (1 deletion).

A word with that is lesser than or equal to the maximum edit distance is a fuzzy search match for any word with an equal or lesser number of characters. For example, if the edit distance is 2, the word “ab” would match any two-letter word (2 substitutions), any one-letter word (1 substitution, 1 deletion), any three-letter word containing either “a” or “b” (1 substitution, 1 insertion), and any four-letter word containing both “a” and “b” in that order (2 insertions).

  • Fuzzy search is supported on all SQL Search index types: Basic, Semantic, and Analytic. On a Basic index it performs fuzzy search on individual words. On a Semantic index it performs fuzzy search on individual NLP entities.

  • Fuzzy search cannot be combined with wildcard search.

To activate fuzzy search for search_index() specify search_option as 3 for fuzzy search with the default edit distance of 2, or 3:n for fuzzy search with an edit distance specified as n characters. The following example shows SQL Search with fuzzy search with an edit distance of 4:

SELECT Narrative FROM Aviation.TestSQLSrch WHERE %ID %FIND 
search_index(NarrBasicIdx,'"color code" program','3:4','en')

Setting 3:1 sets the edit distance=1, which in English is appropriate for matching most (but not all) singular and plural words. Setting 3:0 sets the edit distance=0, which is the same as SQL Search without fuzzy search.

To specify fuzzy search for SQL Search methods, set the pSearchOption = $$$IFSEARCHFUZZY.

Stemming and Decompounding

Basic index, Semantic index, and Analytic index can all support stemming and decompounding. Stemming and decompounding are word-based, not NLP entity-based operations. You must enable stemming and decompounding when you define an SQL Search index. To enable an index for stem-aware searches, specify INDEXOPTION=1; to enable both stem-aware searches and decompounding-aware searches, specify INDEXOPTION=2.

If an SQL Search index was defined to support stemming (1) or stemming and decompounding (2), you can use these facilities in a search_index() query by setting the search_option value.


Stemming identifies the Stem Form of each word. The stem form unifies multiple grammatical forms of the same word. When using search_option=1 at query time, SQL Search performs search and match operations using the Stem Form of a word, rather than the actual text form. By using search_option=0, you can use the same index for regular (non-stemmed) searches.

If stemming is active, search and match is performed by determining the stem form of a search term and using that stem form to match words in the text. For example, the search word doctors is a match for either doctor or doctors in the text. When stemming is active you can match a search word with only its exact match in the text by enclosing a single word in the search list with quotation marks: the search word "doctors" is only a match for doctors in the text.


Decompounding divides up compound words into their constituent words. SQL Search always combines decompounding with stemming; once a word is divided into its constituent parts, each of these parts is automatically stemmed. When using a decompounding search (search_option=2), SQL Search compares the decompounding stems of the search term with the decompounded stems of the words in the indexed text field. SQL Search matches a decompounded word only when the stems of any of its constituent words match all constituent words of the search term.

For example, the search terms “thunder”, “storm”, or “storms” would all match the word “thunderstorms”. However, the search term “thunderstorms” would not match the word “thunder”, because its other constituent word (“storm”) is not matched.

The InterSystems SQL Search decompounding algorithm using a language-specific dictionary that identifies possible constituent words. This dictionary should be populated through the %iKnow.Stemming.DecompoundingUtils class. For example, by pointing it to a text column prior to indexing. You may also wish to exempt specific words from decompounding. You can exempt individual words, character sequences, and training data word lists from decompounding using %iKnow.Stemming.DecompoundUtilsOpens in a new tab.

Languages Not Supported by the InterSystems IRIS Natural Language Processor

You can use SQL Search Basic indexes to index and search texts in languages for which there is no corresponding NLP language model.

Because stemming is not dependent on NLP semantic indexing, you can also perform Basic index word searches on stem forms of words, if a stemmer is available. You must specify INDEXOPTION=1 or INDEXOPTION=2 to perform stem searches. For example, Italian is not an NLP-supported language, but InterSystems IRIS provides a %Text stemmer for Italian.

The following limitations and caveats apply to SQL Search with languages not supported by NLP:

  • An InterSystems IRIS Natural Language Processor license is required to use this feature.

  • The language must separate words using spaces. Languages that do not uses word separators cannot be searched. However, Japanese (which does not uses word separators) can be searched because NLP provides a Japanese language model.

  • Apostrophes do not separate words. NLP recognizes contractions (such as “can’t”) and abbreviated verb forms (such as “there’s”) and separates them into two words, while ignoring apostrophes used for other purposes, such as possession (“John’s”). Without NLP support, SQL Search cannot separate contractions and abbreviations into separate words. You can compensate for this by pre-processing your text, inserting a blank space before or after apostrophes as needed.

  • A UserDictionary cannot be applied to the texts before SQL Search indexing.

For further details, refer to Queries Invoking Free-text Search.

Synonym Tables

To implement a synonym table, define the table as a persistent class that extends the iFind.Synonym abstract class.

This class defines two properties, FromTerm and ToTerm. A pair of FromTerm and ToTerm properties define ToTerm as a synonym for FromTerm. SQL Search would use ToTerm to expand the query if the query contains FromTerm.

The query uses the GetMatch() method of this class to search the synonyms in the synonym table against the query terms.

During query execution, SQL Search checks if any synonyms exist for a single word unit or a positional search phrase. For example, two synonym pairs ("persons","people") and ("walk","run") are defined in a synonym table. A SQL Search query is executed on the phrase "persons walk". If the synonym table is associated with the query, SQL Search returns not only documents matching the original query, it also returns documents matching any one of the queries: "persons run", "people walk" and "people run".

However, if the search_items string is '"persons walk"', query expansion would not happen, because SQL Search does not expand any word in a positional phrase search. The positional phrase itself is the minimum unit for query expansion. If, however, you define a synonym pair like ("persons walk","persons walk and run"), SQL Search would expand the query '"persons walk"' to '"persons walk and run"'. SQL Search treats a ToTerm as a positional phrase if it contain multiple words. A ToTerm can be any valid positional phrase; it can contain * or ? wildcards.


Synonym tables cannot be used with Regular Expression search (search_option=4).

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