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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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DDL (Tools/APIs)

Work with DDL statements and with DDL files.

Background Information

Generically, DDL means data definition language, which refers to syntax for defining data structures. SQL provides a set of statements for this purpose, and they are known collectively as SQL DDL. A DDL file is a text file that contains a series of these statements.

Available Tools

InterSystems SQL

InterSystems SQL includes support for SQL DDL. For information, see Defining Tables and Defining Views, which discuss DDL as one of the techniques for defining tables and views.

Availability: All namespaces.

Includes class methods for working with DDL files, including the following:

  • ImportImport()

  • ImportDDLDir()

  • And others

Some of these methods require specific permissions.

Availability: All namespaces.


The special variable $SYSTEM is bound to the %SYSTEM package. This means that instead of ##class(%SYSTEM.class).method(), you can use $SYSTEM.class.method().

See Also

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