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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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X.509 Certificates (Tools/APIs)

Use X.509 certificates.

Background Information

X.509 is a standard that defines elements that can be used for encryption, digital signatures, decryption, and verifying digital signatures. These elements include public keys and X.509 certificates.

Available Tools

X.509 certificate storage

InterSystems IRIS® data platform supports the ability to load an X.509 certificate and private key and specify an associated configuration name. When you need an X.509 certificate (to digitally sign a SOAP message, for example), you provide the applicable configuration name, and InterSystems IRIS automatically extracts and uses the certificate information.

You can optionally enter the password for the associated private key file, or you can specify this at runtime.

Configurations are stored in the %SYS.X509CredentialsOpens in a new tab class, which provides an object-based API; this class cannot be accessed via SQL.

Availability: All namespaces.

Access to a certificate authority (CA)

If you place a CA certificate of the appropriate format in the prescribed location, InterSystems IRIS uses it to validate digital signatures and so on.

Availability: All namespaces.

Both items are discussed in Securing Web Services and Using XML Tools.

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