Object Data Access
InterSystems IRIS® provides a sophisticated object model with multiple inheritance and other features. There are several ways to create, store, and manipulate objects in InterSystems IRIS databases:
InterSystems ObjectScript, the built-in InterSystems IRIS programming language, directly manipulates InterSystems IRIS objects. ObjectScript class definitions are often used as templates for creating objects, for example, patients, departments, or products. Classes can also be used to group related methods together, even if those methods are not directly associated with a user-defined object.
The XEP (Express Event Persistence) API for Java and XEP API for .Net provided by InterSystems enable Java and .NET applications to store and retrieve InterSystems IRIS objects by projecting them as persistent events, which are persistent database objects that store the state of the Java and .NET objects. Using the XEP APIs for object persistence lets you avoid the overheard of object-relational mapping.
The InterSystems Native SDK for Java and the InterSystems Native SDK for .NET are lightweight object interfaces to InterSystems IRIS for Java and .NET that make it possible for your Java or .NET application to work with InterSystems IRIS objects as easily as if they were native Java or .NET objects.
At the click of a button, InterSystems IRIS classes can be automatically enabled for XML or JSON. As a result, InterSystems IRIS objects are readily available to every commonly used object technology.