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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Set the number of days before InterSystems IRIS® data platform purges finished journal files.


[Journal]    DaysBeforePurge=n

n is an integer in the range 0—100. The default value is 2.


DaysBeforePurge defines when InterSystems IRIS purges a finished journal file (that is, a journal file that is no longer in progress). The value n is a number days that elapse before the corresponding journal files can be purged.

BackupsBeforePurge relates to DaysBeforePurge. If both are greater than 0, files are purged after n days or n successful backups, whichever indicates the shorter time period. If BackupsBeforePurge is 0, purging is done solely based on DaysBeforePurge; if DaysBeforePurge is 0, then purging is done solely based on BackupsBeforePurge. If both are 0, the automatic purging of journal files (and journal history) is disabled and journal files are not purged.

No journal file containing currently open transactions is purged, even if it meets the above criteria.


If PurgeArchived is 1, this setting is ignored.

For details about journal files, see Overview of Journaling.

Changing This Parameter

On the Journal Settings page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Journal Settings), in the When to purge journal files category, choose one of the following:

  • To purge journal files based on a number of days, choose After this many days and enter a number of days.

  • To purge journal files based on a number of backups, choose After this many successive successful backups and enter a number of backups.

Instead of using the Management Portal, you can change DaysBeforePurge in the Config.JournalOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference), from the ^JOURNAL utility (as described in Update Journal Settings Using ^JRNOPTS), or by editing the CPF in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).

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