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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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%DotNet Server

Define a .NET gateway.


%DotNet Server=.NET,Port,[optional fields]


%DotNet Server is the name of the .NET gateway definition in the default CPF, but additional .NET gateways with different names can be created and existing gateways can be edited or deleted as described in [Gateways]. Each definition consists of a name followed by = and then a comma-separated list of values defining the gateway; some fields are required, and others can be left blank, in which case default values are used. Fields specific to .NET gateways and those that can be used with all gateways are described in the following two sections. For a more detailed description, see .NET External Server Setup and Defining External Server Configurations for .NET.

.NET Gateway Fields

The first three fields in a .NET gateway definition are common to all gateways and the next three are specific to .NET gateways. These are shown in order in the following:

  • Type (required) — Type of the gateway. When defining a .NET gateway, this is set to .NET.

  • Port (required) — TCP port number for communication between the gateway and the proxy classes in InterSystems IRIS. This port number must not conflict with any other local TCP port on the server.

  • Resource — The gateway resource that controls access to this gateway; in the default CPF, this is %Gateway_Object.


    If no resource is specified, the gateway is public, but InterSystems strongly recommends protecting all gateways using this mechanism.

  • DotNetVersion — Specifies the .NET version to be used. Possible values are N6.0, N5.0, F4.6.2, F4.5, F3.5, F2.0, and C2.1; the default is N6.0.


    The default of N6.0 is specified in the default CPF to ensure it is set when an instance is upgraded from a prior version in which the default was F4.5.

  • FilePath — Location of the gateway executable, used in assembling the command to start the gateway on the local server. If this setting is not specified, the default directory install-dir\dev\dotnet\bin\ is used, with the appropriate subdirectory selected according to the DotNetVersion setting, for example if DotNetVersion is N6.0 the FilePath would be install-dir\dev\dotnet\bin\net6.0.


    Executables for DotNetVersion values F4.5, F2.0 and C2.1 are not installed with the current version of InterSystems IRIS, but the values are provided to support use of these executables from an earlier version.

  • Exec32 — On 64-bit platforms, a value of 1 indicates that the gateway is to be executed as 32-bit; the default is 0, for 64–bit.

General Gateway Fields

The remaining eight fields can be used in any gateway definition, and are shown in order in the following:

  • SSLConfigurationServer — Name of the SSL/TLS configuration to be used for server TLS/SSL.

  • SSLConfigurationClient — Name of the SSL/TLS configuration to be used for client TLS/SSL.

  • VerifySSLHostName — Whether the TLS/SSL client should perform hostname verification. The default is 0 (no hostname verification).

  • UseSharedMemory — Whether to use shared memory for connection if available. The default is 1 (use shared memory).

  • LogFile — Full pathname of the file used to log all communication between InterSystems IRIS and the gateway. This optional property should only be used when debugging. The maximum length is 1023 characters.

  • AllowedIpAddresses — IP addresses that allow incoming connections. Specify to allow connections on all IP addresses local to the machine (, VPN address, and so on). You can also specify a single existing local IP address to restrict connections to that IP address. The default is

  • ConnectionTimeout — Number of seconds to wait for a connection with the gateway to be established. The range is 2-300; the default value is 5.

  • InitializationTimeout — Number of seconds to wait for a response during initialization of the gateway. The range is 2-300; the default value is 5.

Changing This Parameter

For information about changing and adding gateway definitions, see [Gateways].

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