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%File の例

以下の例は、%Library.FileOpens in a new tab メソッドのいくつかを使用したサンプル・クラスを示しています。

サンプル・クラス User.FileTest では、ProcessFile() メソッドが入力ファイルと出力ファイルを受け入れ、SetUpInputFile()SetUpOutputFile() を呼び出してファイルを開き、一方を読み取り、他方を書き込みに使用します。次に、入力ファイルを 1 行ずつ読み取り、ProcessLine() を呼び出して、各行の内容に対して 1 つ以上の置換を実行して、各行の新しい内容を出力ファイルに書き込みます。

Include %occInclude

Class User.FileTest Extends %Persistent

/// Set up the input file
/// 1. Create a file object
/// 2. Open the file for reading
/// 3. Return a handle to the file object
ClassMethod SetUpInputFile(filename As %String) As %File
    Set fileObj = ##class(%File).%New(filename)
    Set status = fileObj.Open("RU")
    if $$$ISERR(status) { 
        do $system.Status.DisplayError(status) 
        quit $$$NULLOREF
    quit fileObj

/// Set up the output file
/// 1. Create the directory structure for the file
/// 2. Create a file object
/// 3. Open the file for writing
/// 4. Return a handle to the file object
ClassMethod SetUpOutputFile(filename As %String) As %File
    set dir=##class(%File).GetDirectory(filename)
    do ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(dir)
    Set fileObj = ##class(%File).%New(filename)
    Set status = fileObj.Open("WSN")
    If ($SYSTEM.Status.IsError(status)) {
        do $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
        quit $$$NULLOREF
    quit fileObj

/// Process one line, using $REPLACE to perform a series of substitutions on the line
ClassMethod ProcessLine(line As %String = "") As %String
    set newline = line

    set newline = $REPLACE(newline, "Original", "Jamaican-Style")
    set newline = $REPLACE(newline, "traditional", "innovative")
    set newline = $REPLACE(newline, "orange juice", "lime juice")
    set newline = $REPLACE(newline, "orange zest", "ginger")
    set newline = $REPLACE(newline, "white sugar", "light brown sugar")

    quit newline

/// Process an input file, performing a series of substitutions on the content and
/// writing the new content to an output file
ClassMethod ProcessFile(inputfilename As %String = "", outputfilename As %String = "")
    // Make sure filenames were passed in
    if (inputfilename="") || (outputfilename="") {
        write !, "ERROR: missing file name"

    // Open input file for reading
    set inputfile = ..SetUpInputFile(inputfilename)
    if (inputfile = $$$NULLOREF) quit

    // Open output file for writing
    set outputfile = ..SetUpOutputFile(outputfilename)
    if (outputfile = $$$NULLOREF) quit

    // Loop over each line in the input file
    // While not at the end of the file:
    // 1. Read a line from the file
    // 2. Call ProcessLine() to process the line
    // 3. Write the new contents of the line to the output file
    while (inputfile.AtEnd = 0) {
        set line = inputfile.ReadLine(,.status)
         if $$$ISERR(status) { 
             do $system.Status.DisplayError(status) 
         else {
             set newline = ..ProcessLine(line)
             do outputfile.WriteLine(newline)
    // Close the input and output files
     do inputfile.Close()
     do outputfile.Close()


ProcessFile() メソッドは、以下のように呼び出します。

USER>do ##class(FileTest).ProcessFile("C:\temp\original cranberry sauce.txt", 
"C:\temp\jamaican-style cranberry sauce.txt")

入力ファイル C:\temp\original cranberry sauce.txt の内容が以下であるとします。

Original Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce

This traditional whole berry cranberry sauce gets its distinctive flavor 
from the freshly squeezed orange juice and the freshly grated orange zest.

2 tsp freshly grated orange zest
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
3 cups cranberries (12 oz. package)

1. Grate orange zest into a bowl and set aside.
2. Combine the sugar and orange juice in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-low 
heat and stir until sugar is dissolved.
3. Add cranberries and cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until the 
cranberries have popped.
4. Add the cranberry mixture into the bowl with the orange zest, and stir. Let cool.
5. Cover bowl and chill.

この場合、出力ファイル C:\temp\jamaican-style cranberry sauce.txt の内容は以下のようになります。

Jamaican-Style Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce

This innovative whole berry cranberry sauce gets its distinctive flavor 
from the freshly squeezed lime juice and the freshly grated ginger.

2 tsp freshly grated ginger
1 1/4 cups light brown sugar
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
3 cups cranberries (12 oz. package)

1. Grate ginger into a bowl and set aside.
2. Combine the sugar and lime juice in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-low 
heat and stir until sugar is dissolved.
3. Add cranberries and cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until the 
cranberries have popped.
4. Add the cranberry mixture into the bowl with the ginger, and stir. Let cool.
5. Cover bowl and chill.

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